Monday 22 February 2016

GOD..... Do Exists !!!

With the Upcoming of 21st Century, Loads of Technological Advancements have taken Place. Day By Day Technology is Growing Stronger and Stronger. To Grow and Develop has become the Motto of Current World. People want to see themselves Growing and Growing in terms of Monetary . During this Huge Development Phase People tend to Forget a DIVINE WORD or a THOUGHT called “GOD”. And those people who Remember GOD , they tend to go there to fulfill their own Greed , a Greed which is also related to his/her Growth and Development. And in order to Fulfill their Greed They tend to waste Unwanted Money towards Their So Called DIVINITY . And During their Hard Times People tend to Blame GOD for their current situation. Well Due to all These Happenings Around me in Day to Day LIFE , I really Doubt whether God Exists or Not , and If He Does Exist , then Is he Hindu , Muslim , Christian , Sikh or Buddhist etc ?

Well Let us see What Exactly the term GOD truly Means!!!
GOD is a Supreme Being having Supreme Powers , who with his one call can Create the Whole World or Destroy the Whole World.  GOD is a superhuman being or spirit worshipped as having power over nature or human fortunes.
But  We , Human Beings have Changed the Definition of GOD. We feel that everything or every change which is happening to us is due to God. But In Reality , if we use only 0.1 % of our Brain and If we give a thought to it , then we come to know that everything or every change which is happening with us  is due to our Deed which we did in Past . Any Change can be for Good or Bad , but what matters the most is our Reaction to the Situation which comes to us. So We can never Blame or Praise God for the Change . GOD gives us Proper Direction to tackle the Problem and it depends on us , how we follow that direction.

During this Rapid Developing and Technological Advancement Phase, RELIGION has become a Primary Tool to attract Their Followers and Respective GOD has become a Primary Weapon . It has become a HUGE PROFIT INDUSTRY With Very Less Investment. Well The main Reason Behind this is FEAR and LACK of FAITH within Themselves. Well Just Think once that It’s We who tend to make mistakes and we must learn from our mistake and have faith in ourselves rather than blaming other’s and Finally to GOD .

According to me , GOD Do Exists and it is he who created this Wonderful World , Wonderful People around us to Survive and Grow along with them  with Internal Peace excluding all External Problems. We all Must Worship GOD to have only “ONE DIVINE THOUGHT – A THOUGHT OF ONENESS”. We all Must be Thankful to God for all the Things he Provided us to Sustain in LIFE.


Thank You !!!


Thursday 18 February 2016


`Religion and It’s Values

Religion and Religious Preaching is the most common thing in Common Man’s Life. In our World, as per the survey conducted there are 19 Major Religions, which are further divided into 270 large Religious Groups. Among major Religions , World is dominated by Christians constituting 33% of World Population , Muslims constituting 19.6% of total World Population and Hindu’s constituting 13.4% of total World Population. And rest 34% consists of Buddhists, Chinese Folks, Sikhs, Jews, Jain’s, Ethno Religionists, Non- Religious, Atheists and Others. Among these Major Religions, they are further divided in Large Number of Small Religious Groups. Like in Christianity we have got Roman Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox and Anglicans, in Muslim’s we have got Sunni, Shia and Ahmadi Muslims , in Hindu’s we have got Vaishnavawas , Shaiva the major Sub- Religion in Hinduism following Vishnu Bhagwan and Shiva Bhagwan respectively. The Interesting fact among Hindu’s is that Hindu Scriptures and History claim that there are 33 Crores or 330 Million Hindu God’s. And our Country India is the only Country where different kinds of Religious People are born and live here. This all define us How Vast is the word “RELIGION” is!!! It will take us ages if we are to study each and every Religion.

First of all “ What does the word Religion mean?” . “RELIGION”  is nothing but a Path provided by the Superior God which will lead us to our Ultimate Goal of Achieving Internal Peace. A religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence. Almost Every Religion has got Religious Text and 11 Most Known Religious texts are- Christianity- ‘ Bible’, Islam- ‘Quran’ , Hinduism- ‘ Bhagwad Gita’ , Sikkhism- ‘Adi Granth’, Baha’i- ‘Aqdas’ , Zoroastrianism- ‘Avesta’ , Wicca- ‘Book of Shadows’ , Tenrikyo -‘ Ofudesaki’ , Raelism- ‘Sensual Meditation’ ,  Judaism – ‘Torah’  and  Buddhism- ‘Tripitaka’ . The Interesting fact about all the Sacred Holy Books is that all Books tell same thing How to Lead a Happy Peaceful and Successful Life with full of Contentment. They all tell us that there’s Only Creator of this Entire Universe , who is a Superior God. He maintains the Balance of Life depending on the Deeds and Karma of each Individual Animal. Prophet Mohammad , Jesus Christ, Buddha, Guru Nanak, Sai Baba, Moses etc All of them tell only One Thing and Preach Only one Thing and that is Humanity. Even the mighty Lord Krishna who told Bhawad Gita to Guide Arjuna was not a God , he is just to guide people and show them proper path. They never expressed themselves as God , they just showed all people how to Live in this World with Harmony , Peace and with Loving Nature without any Greed and Ego staying Contented with what they have got. They all told the same thing that They are not God , They are just Messenger of God born on Earth to Help mighty , Helpless people showing them the path to lead a Great Life with Harmony and Peace. According to Every Single Holy Sacred Book There is Only One Superior God Governing the Whole World , It’s He who Created this Universe, He doesn’t get Angry At All, But Everything has got a Limit. If the Superior God gets Angry then it’s he Who has got Rights to Destroy it and would be Responsible for Destruction of the Universe. It totally depends on the Deeds and Values followed by Human Beings and other Animals.
People in Early Age were living with Harmony , Peace without any Ego and Greed , and there was only One Religion at that time. But in today’s Modern Digital World People became Greedy , they got lots of Ego. Well If You ask me “ What does Religion in Modern World?” My Answer would be that “ Religion is a Concept created by Human Beings  for their Greed .” Since past 300 years lots of Religious War’s are going on. The modern name of Religious War is Terrorism. Islam targeting Christianity and Hindu’s and all others , Within India Hindu’s targeting Sikh’s, Hindu’s targeting Muslim’s , Muslim’s targeting Hindu’s and Other’s . What’s the worst part is Within the Religion there are several sub-religions and there is a lot of Cold- War between them too.
Religion is actually meant for Human Beings to follow them and its path. The actual definition of all the Religion is Humanity. If there’s no Humanity then what’s use of being Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, etc. All sacred Holy Book tells us about Humanity, how a person needs to treat others be it a Beggar or be it a CEO of Google. If we see God within Human Being, then only we can learn Humanity. Human thinks that he is master of everything. But the capacity of the World is very large that he would not even know 0.01 % of the Entire World Dictionary. First of all Human must learn Moral Value’s of Life , he must be a Human First , He must not have any Greed and stay contented with what he has got because Money, Class and Luxury is temporary but Life and Moment’s of Life are Permanent. After a person dies no one would call you by your name, everyone will call you “A Body” . So what’s the use of living a life with Greed,  with Ego , with Grudge , with Temperament?
So Finally I would like to conclude that You may follow any Religion, it doesn’t matter, What matter’s the most is “ What kind of Person you are in Life?” According to me there is only one Superior God who has created us this beautiful World and when there are problems then he created a “Messenger of God” to help people to guide people towards Humanity and lead a successful Life. Truly I feel proud to be born in such a Heaven, But we Human’s are making it like Hell. In Life Money is important just for survival. People who work for money can never learn Humanity. Mind It!!!

Sai Shravan Madireddi 
Contact no: 9167273281

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India And It's Youth

India is a Social Secular Democratic Republic Country. With 1.29 Billion people in our country, it is second highest populated country in the world. The best way to explain our country is by its “Unity in Diversity”. With 29 states, with 120 Official languages and 780 Regional languages, with 9 different classical traditional dance forms and have got 7 different Religions in Our Country with Hindu’s and Muslim’s Dominating explains the culture and tradition of our country. India is the only country in the world having different kinds Climatic conditions i.e. Snowfall in Northern India , Desert in North West India, Heavy Rainfall in North East India, and Moderate temperature in middle and South India. It has got various kinds of Wildlife with 515 Wildlife Sanctuaries in our Country. We have got our very own Royal Bengal Tiger – our National Animal and the beautiful and multicolored Peacock – our National Bird. I am really proud to be born in such a beautiful paradise India and I am proud to be an Indian.
But being an Indian Youth and Electronics Engineer Myself , I really doubt whether it is safe for me to live in this Country with Peace and harmony. Most of my friends went either to USA , Europe or in Arab for Higher Studies and Job. I really want to know why this kind of International Migration is taking place in Our Country. As per recent Records almost 15% of USA Citizens are of Indian Origin. And 20% of Indian Origin are working for Prestigious NASA and around 33% Indian Origin are doctors . Indians in the U.S. are now one of the largest among the groups of immigrants with an estimated population of about 3.18 million. Everyone just think at once that if those 3.18 million people , would they be able to achieve such  growth which they are achieving in USA or Countries in Europe , Australia or Arab Countries. If you ask me I will flatly tell No. And the reason behind my answer No Is that despite getting our Independence 68 years ago , I truly don’t feel that we have achieved Freedom.
Let us compare our Country with Germany and Japan which have been destroyed in Second World War in 1945. If we see the people over there , even a single child has got freedom to choose his passion as his career , and more over they get moral support from their parents , guardians and government. Same is the case with Countries like USA, England , France , Italy, Australia and Arab countries. That’s the basic reason , why those countries are called Developed Countries. But in our country , right from Day 1 we are not having any Freedom. The main reason behind it is the thought that “ What our Society will think?”. If everyone is thinking the same way then Will Ever our Country get Developed?
People living in India aspire of doing a Government Job , but is it really easy to get a government Job without meeting a Corrupt Employer? No, even for getting a small government Job to getting promoted to Top Most Level there is Politics which involve corruption. A Traffic Police person can break traffic rules but if a normal guy breaks it he bribes. Nowadays Politics and corruption is slowly infecting Private firms too.
So finally I got to a conclusion that in India we can’t raise our Voice cause we have not got our Freedom yet , we can’t Develop ourselves or see ourselves growing unless we are born in a Rich family because Corruption and Politics brings us down which hampers our Development and Growth. These are the basic reasons why Our Country is lacking in Sports , in Technology and in Development despite getting our Independence 68 Years ago. We rather competing against other countries , we try to compete within our Country due to EGO factor. If this kind of situation continues then within next 20-30 years every Indian Youth would love to move out rather than thinking of developing our Country.
I, being concerned Indian about future of Indian Youth , am raising a question to every single parent , every single Employer , every single Government Official , each and every Government department  and each and every Politician rather Every single Person that  “Do you really want to see our Country Developed?”. Unless we change our thinking and unless we change ourselves it is impossible for us to really achieve Development. Indian Youth requires everyone’s support , unless we get that we won’t be able to survive in this country. And remember one thing Today’s Child is Tomorrow’s Youth and Future Responsible citizen for Development of our Country.
I Really want to hear our Country’s name as Developed Country.

 Jai Hind!!!