Thursday 18 February 2016

India And It's Youth

India is a Social Secular Democratic Republic Country. With 1.29 Billion people in our country, it is second highest populated country in the world. The best way to explain our country is by its “Unity in Diversity”. With 29 states, with 120 Official languages and 780 Regional languages, with 9 different classical traditional dance forms and have got 7 different Religions in Our Country with Hindu’s and Muslim’s Dominating explains the culture and tradition of our country. India is the only country in the world having different kinds Climatic conditions i.e. Snowfall in Northern India , Desert in North West India, Heavy Rainfall in North East India, and Moderate temperature in middle and South India. It has got various kinds of Wildlife with 515 Wildlife Sanctuaries in our Country. We have got our very own Royal Bengal Tiger – our National Animal and the beautiful and multicolored Peacock – our National Bird. I am really proud to be born in such a beautiful paradise India and I am proud to be an Indian.
But being an Indian Youth and Electronics Engineer Myself , I really doubt whether it is safe for me to live in this Country with Peace and harmony. Most of my friends went either to USA , Europe or in Arab for Higher Studies and Job. I really want to know why this kind of International Migration is taking place in Our Country. As per recent Records almost 15% of USA Citizens are of Indian Origin. And 20% of Indian Origin are working for Prestigious NASA and around 33% Indian Origin are doctors . Indians in the U.S. are now one of the largest among the groups of immigrants with an estimated population of about 3.18 million. Everyone just think at once that if those 3.18 million people , would they be able to achieve such  growth which they are achieving in USA or Countries in Europe , Australia or Arab Countries. If you ask me I will flatly tell No. And the reason behind my answer No Is that despite getting our Independence 68 years ago , I truly don’t feel that we have achieved Freedom.
Let us compare our Country with Germany and Japan which have been destroyed in Second World War in 1945. If we see the people over there , even a single child has got freedom to choose his passion as his career , and more over they get moral support from their parents , guardians and government. Same is the case with Countries like USA, England , France , Italy, Australia and Arab countries. That’s the basic reason , why those countries are called Developed Countries. But in our country , right from Day 1 we are not having any Freedom. The main reason behind it is the thought that “ What our Society will think?”. If everyone is thinking the same way then Will Ever our Country get Developed?
People living in India aspire of doing a Government Job , but is it really easy to get a government Job without meeting a Corrupt Employer? No, even for getting a small government Job to getting promoted to Top Most Level there is Politics which involve corruption. A Traffic Police person can break traffic rules but if a normal guy breaks it he bribes. Nowadays Politics and corruption is slowly infecting Private firms too.
So finally I got to a conclusion that in India we can’t raise our Voice cause we have not got our Freedom yet , we can’t Develop ourselves or see ourselves growing unless we are born in a Rich family because Corruption and Politics brings us down which hampers our Development and Growth. These are the basic reasons why Our Country is lacking in Sports , in Technology and in Development despite getting our Independence 68 Years ago. We rather competing against other countries , we try to compete within our Country due to EGO factor. If this kind of situation continues then within next 20-30 years every Indian Youth would love to move out rather than thinking of developing our Country.
I, being concerned Indian about future of Indian Youth , am raising a question to every single parent , every single Employer , every single Government Official , each and every Government department  and each and every Politician rather Every single Person that  “Do you really want to see our Country Developed?”. Unless we change our thinking and unless we change ourselves it is impossible for us to really achieve Development. Indian Youth requires everyone’s support , unless we get that we won’t be able to survive in this country. And remember one thing Today’s Child is Tomorrow’s Youth and Future Responsible citizen for Development of our Country.
I Really want to hear our Country’s name as Developed Country.

 Jai Hind!!!

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